This day has been an absolute adventure. Ups and downs, whirls, whorls, and all over the place. It started off like any other day where I plan to fly to Chicago. You know, because I do it
all the time. But I'm kinda stressing because I went to sleep late having done laundry and finished my poster rather late and woke up (or rather, tried to blink and found my eyelids were too heavy) a little later than I had planned, and wound up being a smidge concerned that I was going to be late for my plane. Even though Tweed-New Haven is like...20 minutes away. And it's so small that they don't even open security until they're practically ready to board the plane.
But anyways, I'm rushing (when I don't need to be), I call the cab, and they say they'll be right there. Before I can ask them how long they'll take, they hang up, so I assume (correctly) that they'll be right there. So, I grab my bag, my trusty green suitcase, my coat, and hightail it out of there.
In the mix, I don't realize that I hadn't changed my shoes and was still wearing my Uggs, which are wonderfully warm and comfy for a running around the dorm, going to class, snuggling up in a big chair in the library way, but not in a meet some famous chemists way. It's only when I'm going through security, as I see the woman in front of me taking off some super cute (but uncomfortable looking) boots, that I notice that my feet are still quite warm and happy in Fluffyland. Oh. No.
Now, it's not the end of the world, but it seemed pretty disrespectful to me to show up to a recruitment in what basically amounts to pajama shoes (and some well-placed calls confirmed that notion) so I figure, hey, I'm getting to Chicago at around 3:15. I should have enough time before 6 PM to go buy myself a cheap pair of shoes (likely flats) that will get me through tomorrow.
I board the plane to Philadelphia, fall asleep, everything is hunky-dory (even though inside I'm still a little like ahhh only have 30 minutes to cross terminals and get lunch good thing I brought a bagel).
I get to my gate fine and they start asking people to volunteer to check their bags at the gate because there won't be any overhead space. Which I think is bull because the plane is built so that 3 overhead bags can fit per 3 seated row and if everyone has one under-the-seat bag and one overhead bag, then everyone's bag should be able to fit, but I guess they accounted for people having coats in the winter or something like that. But I hang on to my bag because it has my laptop in it and I kinda want it with me.
Except I'm in Zone 5, which means by the time to get to my zone, anyone who's got a second bag has got to get it checked. So I take out my laptop and send my trusty green bag on its way. And when I land in Chicago, and get my bag, it's no longer trusty, but lame. Like actually, missing a wheel. The plastic around the wheel has freaking BROKEN OFF. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!? (Also, the guy next to me had half of the handle on his rolly bag broken off. WTF US AIRWAYS?!?)

So yeah, after fuming for about 3 seconds and swearing to myself that I was never checking any electronics with US Airways again, I realized that I had to get another bag and soon because I was only Visit #4 of 8 and, well, it's my only carry-on bag. I drag my poor bag to the US Airways Baggage Claim Office and am like: LOOK AT THIS. What I really said was more along the lines of "Ummm...hi. I checked my bag at the gate, even though (by the way this is important) there was plenty of room in the overhead compartments when they said there wasn't going to be, and they mutilated my only way of getting my three outfits and bunch of cords around." Yeah, I didn't really say that either but I thought it.
The lady, who was very nice, said, "Oh I'm so sorry! It sucks when that happens." (Like it happens often!?)
Me: "Is there anywhere I could get a new bag? Because, well, I'm only visiting for a few days and I kinda need it."
Her: "Oh, we can just get you a new one."
So they gave me a new bag, which is a little smaller than my old one was (although today, I recognize that they generally make the carry-on bags smaller, so it didn't bother me too much). And it was brand new. And all of my stuff fit, and now I have a new trusty green bag.
Things work out! Now to make sure it'll fit everything I need it to for spring break. Probs going to take my backpack home for that one.
So shoes. I finally get to the hotel and get settled at 5 PM (after all the fiasco with bag and the horrible traffic over), and I got to go get set to get some shoes. Luckily, we're right on the Miracle Mile, which is where all the shopping is. Unfortunately, everything is a bajillion dollars since they have labels like GAP and Guess and Ann Taylor and Aldo, and the Forever 21 shoes were janky, but I found a Marshalls basically across the street from the hotel. They had a bunch of heeled booties which were too high (dang it, Fergie!), but I found a pair of calf-high wedged boots that seemed to fit alright. I didn't really want to walk all around Chicago in heels, but wedges seemed ok and they were dark brown and didn't look like I had just rolled out of bed and slipped them on. I found a pair in my size but the zipper on the left boot didn't want to come undone, so, noticing it was already 5:40, I grabbed the display box and low and behold, it was a pair of very similar flat boots with some cooler buckle details. And only $25. Holy crap.

Normally, I would probably think that these boots emphasized my calves a little too much and made me look a little stumpier than normal, but for an on-the-fly purchase where no one would really notice my normal shoes anyways, I though it was a pretty good deal. Plus, they were easy to slip on because of the huge calf factor and easy to walk in. And then I ran back to the hotel, changed very quickly, and booked it to the bus. And made it. And my feet are happy. I'm going to count this as a win.
So more reflections on Chicago as a whole later (spoilers: it's a beautiful city, and the campus looks beautiful illuminated at night and the science is pretty cool) but I'm exhausted from all of the above so I'm just going to shower and sleep. Good night!
Oh! I've also been reading The Hunger Games! I'm about halfway through the first book and enjoying the story and the strong female character. The writing is pretty pulpy but there's a big emphasis on color and food, both things I enjoy. I wouldn't say it's a holy grail book but it's good for a plane ride, so I'll likely abandon most of my other readings for it. We'll see how I feel once I finish it. Ok byes for reals!