Tuesday, February 14, 2012

BEDUS Day 37: Terrifying Ursine Friends (or Happy Valentine's Day from New York)

There are those people who say that Valentine's Day is a holiday for overeager consumers and money-hungry corporations to consummate their marriage of convenience through the distribution of anatomically incorrect hearts, dopamine-inducing pellets of sugar, and plushy versions of our actually quite terrifying ursine friends. They say that true love does not need a day to acknowledge its nature, that you should shower your significant others (and...less significant others?) with affection every day of the year.

And they're absolutely right.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate love on this day right, because, we should celebrate love every day. And on today, when I was eating a sushi with names like Sweetheart Roll, Sex on the Beach Roll, and Iron Chef Roll, with people I didn't know, I had a moment of intense longing for my sweetheart, and I wished that he could be with me to laugh at the Iron Chef Roll, or the creme brulee that actually turned out to be ice cream or the ridiculously awesome Rockefeller University apartment.

Don't get me wrong; the day was fun, and on any other day I might have just let it go, but looking at my heart-shaped tuna and knowing that 83 miles away, my best friend was not looking at my heart-shaped tuna gave me pause. So before I go to sleep in this intensely hot hotel room, I give you this, my darling. Words cannot say how much you mean to me and how much I miss you at this moment. You've given me so very many happy moments (including tonight!) and I can't wait to see you tomorrow, to hear your voice, and to give you a big hug. So I'll let these grainy pictures do the talking for me.

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