Thursday, March 8, 2012

Back in Boston

It's a couple days into Spring Break and I'm back in Boston. It doesn't really feel like a break because usually, I would lounge for a few days at home, get my "doing nothing" on and feel ready to get back in the swing of things. But Kelsey (!) has been visiting so we've actually been doing things like exploring the Birch Aquarium at La Jolla (with Mom!), watching movies intended for a younger audience (The Lorax and The Muppets) with a slightly older eye, bumming around the California ScienCenter, which has an AWESOME exhibit on different ecosystems around the world (KELP FOREST! SO COOL!), chilling at the Third Street Promenade, and laughing at each other (and Michael!) attempt to do yoga and balancing games on Wii Fit. The few days that I stopped blogging has been good for me, as I have been living my life more than writing about it, and though I've ended each day tired and weary, it's been a happy time and totally worth it.

I'm back on the road now, spending three days (they say three, but half of the first and last day are spent traveling) in Boston, four in LA, three at Princeton, and then it's back to school already! I can't believe this is my last semester and yet I feel like I'm in and out of school so much that I already have one foot out the door. It's exciting to be able to visit all these places, and I know I'll probably never have this kind of opportunity again (unless I'm going on the faculty circuit), but at times like now, I just want to forgo the socializing, the bars, and all those questions and sit in my room, eat fruit, and watch 30 Rock.

That being said, this trip has been pretty straight forward. Delicious steak dinner + tiramisu. So good! And people have been very forthcoming which is always appreciated. Maybe it's because my Feb 8-10 visit was only my second visit so everything seemed so much more new and bright and exciting, and I have learned to take a more discerning eye at everything, but this visit seems so much more rushed. Tomorrow will be a long day so I'm going to sign off now. Goodnight!

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