Monday, January 23, 2012

BEDUS Day 15: Year of the Dragon

Dear Blog,

Today marks the first day of the new lunar year, the year of the dragon. The year of the dragon is seen as the luckiest in Chinese tradition and so far, I can say that the year has been going pretty well. Though the weather outside has been, depending on who you talk to, either Gothically romantic or dismally dreary (I prefer to think of it as the former), I have been rather warm in my new long sleeved t-shirts and fuzzy hats, and have been lucky to be in the company of wonderful people. In addition, I am lucky to have understanding advisers and professors, and the most supportive family a girl could ask for. I do not want for food or shelter, and instead have a surplus of both. I am intellectually, socially, and creatively stimulated on a daily basis, and never find myself bored.

I can honestly say that this is the start of a great year.

Today's blog is short because I'm in the middle of reading about Mexican maps and listening to Ministry of Magic.

Until tomorrow,

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