Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Make Your Own Happiness (Day 22 and 23)

Today, I was given a reminder to live every day to the fullest, to make your own happiness. The world moves at a blistering pace and hours slip by at a time. Before you know it, deadlines rear up and there's no more time to find apartments or make PowerPoint slides or exercise or eat or think. Days pass where my only interaction with anyone really is a mumbled hello as I'm coming in and out of the TC room or a sleepy goodnight as I collapse in my bed. This is not always, but it is sometimes, and I think I'd literally like to stop and smell the flowers by the side of the road, to pause just a little bit and revel in the happy energy that surrounds me (yeah I've also been listening to The Enchanted Forest Chronicles on audiobook under the picking hood, which I haven't read since middle school and have become slightly inspired by the web of magic that surrounds the enchanted forest).

Here are some flowers that I noticed growing in our back yard yesterday. They bloomed rather surprisingly, pushed up like weeds and blossomed. 

And here's a cat LJ and I made friends with today. To be fair, she and this cat were already friends. I just tagged along for the cuddles. 

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