Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Thing About the DMV (Day 31)

1) Get there early.
2) Get there early.
3) Get there early.

Here's the situation: my CA ID is about to expire. I now live in MA so I need a MA ID. I've had the forms filled out for awhile but due to laziness and work-related things, I had not gone. But my CA ID expires on Monday. And Friday was a no go because I had to bike to Sports Authority to pick up Color Me Rad packets. And Wednesday was group meeting so that was a no go. It had to be Thursday. But I had lab lunch on Thursday, so getting to the DMV late was not an option. So I dragged myself out of bed at 7:30 and got to the DMV at 8:50.

There was a line of 20 people waiting outside the door.

Maaan, I thought. It's not even open and there's 20 people waiting. Good thing I got here before it opened. So I settled in and waited. And waited. People started filing in behind me. At 8:58 I looked behind me and saw 20 more people. Maaaan, I thought. I'm glad I got here at 8:50. The clock struck 9:00 am. Then 9:15. The doors had not opened. I looked around and nobody seemed perturbed at all, so I settled and waited. By 9:30 there were 50 people behind me. That's when I learned that on Thursdays, in Boston, the DMV opens at 10.

Yeah. Get there early.

I was in and out by 10:30. Walked to lab. This was the view on the way to lab.

Then there was lab lunch. And it was awesome (Tip Tap Room!)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Sigh of Relief (Day 30)

In video games, as in anything electronically generating data, the rule is to save early and save often. You never know when the next crash is going to come or when a boss is totally going to own you because you didn't spend those last couple of hours leveling up like you were supposed to.

In science, there are also checkpoints. In synthetic chemistry, every new product is a checkpoint, and if you're smart, you don't use all of it in the next reaction if it's new to you. In biology, checkpoints are frozen down cells. When you're generating cells for experiments, the worst thing you can do is run out of cells because if you're going to repeat the experiment, you're going to need a constant supply of cells, and, when the cells are particularly precious (like you made them yourself and you can't just buy them from some company), you had better have a backup. It's much better to spend two weeks growing up some backup stem cells then to have to make new stem cells from scratch.

And stuff does happen. Things get contaminated; cells just up and die. And months of work is lost. (oh yeah, biology timelines can be rough. Instead of oh man I spilled this flask and there goes 3 hours of work, it's like oh man I spilled this flask there goes 5 weeks of work.)

So, it was with great relief that I froze down 23 vials of cells this May 28. It was a rough process. It took....very long.

And then I went home and LJ dyed my hair.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Meh Days and Snacks (Day 29)

Today wasn't especially special. It was cloudy, gloomy, cold and drizzly all day. I had an average work day, uninspired.

A couple of days ago (Sunday), LM, CC, and I made parfaits and watched X-Men. We used the leftover Angel Food Cake from the parfaits to make churro-like bits, basically fry and cover in cinnamon sugar. This was the highlight of the day.

A picture from the past: a door in Newport, RI is watching you. 

Questions and Answers (Day 28)

On the muggy day that was Memorial Day, the boys had a BBQ. I had eaten lunch with LM in the park and saw some youths on a scavenger hunt, but somehow still managed to eat a burger, a bunch of pineapple, a mojito sorbet, and a couple of Popsicles. One of the Popsicles had this riddle printed upon it. Sometimes, the answers are questions in themselves. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Colors (Days 26-27)

This weekend has been full of color, from nail art

to the new tote bag turned pannier.

Also, there were homemade pretzels and parfaits.

Also, there was a lot of X-men, or should I say, Wolverine Saves the Day. We watched X-men Origins: Wolverine not too long ago and decided to watch the rest of the movies since I had only ever seen the end of the second movie before. But we're renaming the movies: 1) Wolverine Saves the Day (Assist from Cyclops) 2) Wolverine Saves the Day (Assist from Jean Gray) 3) Wolverine Saves the Day (Cameo by Kitty and Bobby). And of course Origins should be renamed Wolverine Saves the Day (and then Loses His Memories). Also, Hugh Jackman has gotten a lot better at rage crying over the years.

Memorial Day is tomorrow but I'm still going into work. #gradschool

Friday, May 23, 2014

After a long week...(Day 25)

You sometimes just need a frozen pizza and a movie night to cheer you up. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Move Out Day (Day 24)

This time last year was move out day. I left the dorm life behind and embarked on the journey of real life apartment hunting. Looking back at pictures, I now remember it to be muggy and a bit chilly, cloudy and a bit wet. We moved all my stuff (7 boxes and some suitcases) into LJ and LM's apartment for storage and went on the east coast tour. It's weird that it's been a year now. Huh. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Make Your Own Happiness (Day 22 and 23)

Today, I was given a reminder to live every day to the fullest, to make your own happiness. The world moves at a blistering pace and hours slip by at a time. Before you know it, deadlines rear up and there's no more time to find apartments or make PowerPoint slides or exercise or eat or think. Days pass where my only interaction with anyone really is a mumbled hello as I'm coming in and out of the TC room or a sleepy goodnight as I collapse in my bed. This is not always, but it is sometimes, and I think I'd literally like to stop and smell the flowers by the side of the road, to pause just a little bit and revel in the happy energy that surrounds me (yeah I've also been listening to The Enchanted Forest Chronicles on audiobook under the picking hood, which I haven't read since middle school and have become slightly inspired by the web of magic that surrounds the enchanted forest).

Here are some flowers that I noticed growing in our back yard yesterday. They bloomed rather surprisingly, pushed up like weeds and blossomed. 

And here's a cat LJ and I made friends with today. To be fair, she and this cat were already friends. I just tagged along for the cuddles. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Rainbow on a cloudy day (Day 21)

Some days are just crappy. Things slip and fall, media goes everywhere, literally slipping from your grasp. Things then have to thaw more and warm more and all of a sudden, hours go by.

Had lunch at Catalyst today with JM, BM, and SW. Was delicious but sometimes, conversation can get somewhat mundane. 

Parked my bike outside and it started sprinkling. Not good but got it under shelter on the way home in time for the more constant rainfall. 

My wrist hurts from picking colonies. My brace is not yet here. My ankle hurts cause I tripped over myself yesterday. My hormones are major tripping. And my eyes started itching after I ate some blackberries. Body. 

AS came to visit and collected his birthday torte today. The hazelnut concoction that LJ made was delicious. And, at sunset, there was a sunset on one side of house and a rainbow on the other. I guess there is a silver lining. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bright and Green (Days 18, 19, 20)

Day 18: May Day party! Shenanigans ensue. 

Day 19: The world is green again! Listened to NK and CB debut their band on AC's porch. Then had an impromptu BBQ on BM+SL's rooftop. Yum burgers. And a hammock!

Day 20: Downton Abbey and brunch with SF and VM! And, the world is green. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Green Stuff (Day 16)

Sometimes, it's just the yums. 

Greenery (Day 14)

The world is turning green again! And so quickly too!

Never mind that it's just bordering on this side of too hot. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pandemic (Day 15)

It's been a pretty blah day. The weather got cold again and my calves are hurting for no real reason so I dispensed with my workout and sat in my bed instead. However, excitement! LM's Pandemic expansion came in! We spent an entire weekend playing the original when she first got it and so this is major excitement.  When we're not super out of it from work, we'll play some hardcore bioterrorist plots. :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Conversation and a Thank You (Day 13)

Today was a beautiful day. It was so warm and sunny and breezy. I heard a conversation on the bus today that also made me happy. A man walked on the bus, took a look at another man, sat next to him and asked him whether they knew each other. It turned out that they had gone to elementary school together and one of the guys left the school in the seventh grade due to some redistricting mess-up. These guys had not seen each other for 30-40 years and had not been great friends but it was really nice to see them reminiscing. I hope that if that happens to me one day, I can be as gracious and as easy-going as these guys were.

On another point, today is a day to honor mothers everywhere. As I was writing my mom's mother's day card this past week, I got rather sappy and did tear up a little. It's hard being away from my mom and grandma on this day, maybe harder than normal. It's easy to get distracted on a daily basis but any day I stop to think about it, it kinda just tugs at my heart a little. Here are some pictures of the three of us. <3

And an oldie! (June 2010)

Happy Mother's Day, and a thanks to all that mothers do. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tea Parties and Torrential Downpours (Day 12)

Today, before the torrential downpour that BM described as "Holy god, it's the apocalypse" we had a tea party with blooming tea, little sandwiches with the crusts cut off, Digestive cookies, and watermelon. 

We also played Pandemic, watched X-men Origins: Wolverine, and played Betrayal at the House on Hill. Basically nerds who have tea parties. 

Cupcake nails! (Day 11)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Allergies and Picking Hoods (Day 10)

Day 10: Spring brings allergies. And 4.5 hours under the picking hood does not help things. I have decided that music doesn't cut it. Will need to find audio book to keep sanity. Today, was extremely hangry and itchy by the time I got home and happy times were the last thing on my mind. But some things can mitigate the hanger. Yum.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flower presents (Day 9)

Today as I was walking, I saw a bike. On the seat, someone had left a flower. It was beautiful and a burst of sunshine on an already beautiful day. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Blue skies (Day 8)

Today, I ran 2 miles straight at an average speed of 9:11/mile. I did the first 1.5 miles at a cruising speed of 9:23 and upped the last half mile. Compared to the last time I ran 2 miles straight, I am doing much better and I didn't feel like I was going to pass out after I did it. So yay! Exercise!

It was also a beautiful day. The blue skies reminded me of LA. 


Monday, May 5, 2014

Walking along the cobbled streets (Day 7)

Today I was walking along Charles St. in Boston. It's one of the cutest streets in the city, I think. The streets are brick, the signage is adorable, and even the post office, usually one of the more intimidating buildings in a city, is cozy and welcoming. Also, flowers! Spring!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth be with You (Day 6)

Star Wars Marathon with the girls, or crossing another item off the post PQE list:

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Exploring by the River (Day 5)

 We went for boba and a walk by the river today. 

We climbed a tree. 

And swung on some swings.

No philosophical thoughts. Just a nice walk. (There was also a chill cinco de mayo party.)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Spring is Here! (Day 4)

Today was absolutely beautiful. Light jacket weather, slight breeze, sunny. This was the view form my balcony.

On the science side, I learned how to pick colonies under our picking hood. It was actually fairly fun but we'll see if my technique came to anything. I also went for a run. And saw this girl making bubbles for little kids.

Spring. It's here.