Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blogmas Day 1: New York Adventure

Blogmas 2013: This year, I shall include at least one image with each blog post!
New York, in December


It's December! The holiday spirit has hit me (it hit in mid-October, but who's counting) and after the awesome NYC adventure I went on with KKS, I decided that I would revisit Blogmas this year, particularly because I won't be spending Christmas with my family.

K has come to Boston for Thanksgiving, one thing I have to be very thankful for, and besides cooking a turkey and gravy and Brussels sprouts for our Friendsgiving potluck, we've been bumming around Boston doing some light Black Friday shopping and hiding from the rain by watching movies and playing music. But this weekend, we went to New York, for a bit of a nostalgic adventure as well as to see Twelfth Night, my favorite Shakespeare comedy, staring Stephen Fry, one of my favorites as well, as a wonderfully sympathy-inducing Malvolio. We got seats on the stage, and I was so close to Mr. Fry that I could have reached out and touched him as he was leaning against our booth. (Disclosure: I refrained, but the older lady sitting next to me did not.) I was so close that I could see the spit flying out of the actors' mouths. (They were all actors; an all male cast with men playing the women as originally done in Shakespeare's day, which made for some very funny hysterics.) I was so close, in fact, that when the Fool was dressing himself in a cloak and fake beard, I GOT TO HOLD THE BEARD.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience and even though I did not get pictures of the play itself, I did get this:

Today, we wandered around the West Village with IS, got some coffee near NYU, which had all the stereotypical hipster students wandering about, and strolled along the river, marveling at the dog owners and their dogs and talking about generally non-important things. Our bus ride home was elongated greatly by the three accidents on the road and I learned that the toilet on the bus was nothing more than a hold over a huge vat of disinfectant. Joy.

But I'm back home in my room now, safe despite overturned trains and malfunctioning cars, and looking forward to the next couple of weeks before going home. I'm excited for LJ to return bearing Christmas decorations for our little apartment, as well as Christmas baking and gift giving.

There is not one photo that encompasses my New York trip, so I shall include some. Happy Dec. 1!

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