Monday, June 10, 2013

Moving and Staying

I've packed up and moved many times in my life. Every time the move has been permanent, I've been more than a little reluctant to do so, because after all, I am a very sentimental person and don't like change. When we moved across the country when I was younger, everything was a bit of a blur and I didn't really notice, but as I grew older, I grew more cognizant of the fact that I would be leaving the home I had known for whatever period of time, never to return.

Well, "never to return" is a bit dramatic. Just a couple weeks ago, I made a trip back to New Jersey to see my aunt and uncle's old houses where I had spent many a summer frolicking in the grass. But it's not the same. You don't go back to the same place every night. You don't call it your home.

When I started college, I was very aware of the fleeting nature of dorm life, and while my friends hung up posters and color-coordinated all their decorations, I couldn't help but think: "I'm moving out in a year. All that stuff is going to have to be packed away or I'm going to have to toss it. Better not." And so, my walls remained bare, save for some note cards that I tacked up or posters reminding me to go to events. I kept many of my boxes, just in case I needed them at the end of the year, and although I accumulated a lot of stuff, I left the empty dorm room at the end of the year saddened that my entire life fit into seven boxes and two suitcases and that I would never really be able to visit that room again without being a totally creepy person.

Last year was much of the same. Dorm life was comfortable, but I itched to get out and find something more permanent. Here at last, I knew that I would stay for at least a few years and if I didn't move for those few years, maybe I could finally put down some roots, design my room the way I wanted it, throw away some of those cardboard boxes, and stop being so antsy around the end of May.'s slowly coming together! In 2 days, my furniture is coming; in 2 weeks, we have our housewarming party. It's an exciting prospect, though there is still so much to be done before we are settled. But I have wall decorations and a mattress and sheets and a comforter set. And I'm excited. :)

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