I start this the way I've started all my diaries/journals in the past.
My name is Angela. I'm (now) a JUNIOR(!!!) at Yale University in Jonathan Edwards College (the best college). WHOO! I am just starting out in my 20s. I'm a chemistry major. I like sweet gestures (especially those that involve sweet foods), cute cuddlies, thoughtful conversation, and think that long walks on the beach at night are overrated [there's nothing romantic or sexy about being cold, wet, and sandy, especially when the wind is blowing your wet, sandy hair into your mouth. No.]
If you've been directed here by my summer blog (The Summer of 20) know that this is nothing like that (long narratives about journeyous adventures); but more of what's going on in my head at random intervals. I really have no obligations with this one, nothing that I have to do, nothing that I want it to be. It's just...when I feel like it (much like the LJs of old). Grammar matters less here. As do pictures. as dOES caPitaLiZatioN.
Why the title?
TALK: It's where I talk about random things when I feel like talking about them.
WALK: Also, I like to talk about things I do and places I go and things I see.
CHEW GUM: Also, I like to talk about my musings. Chewing cud sounded too gross. I think a lot. Most of the time, it never makes it to print. And my mind whirls in mysterious ways.
Why Blogger?
I was thinking about doing LiveJournal again, like I did when I was younger, but I'm on Gmail a lot more, I guess and I read people's blogs, so...
Entries will be short. Perhaps frequent, but mostly short. Unless I'm chewing some gum. In which case, they may be longer. Exhibit A:
Entry 1: My Arms are Sore.
So are my legs. In fact, most of me is sore and most of me is also hungry. This comes from moving in the newly minted freshmen to Yale. And I thought I had a lot of stuff. And I do have a lot of stuff. But some of those freshmen have waaaay more stuff than I do; stuff that doesn't really fit into a single in Farnam Hall. Good luck trying to pack away all your stuff kiddies. And now, I'm mostly hungry and waiting for Chelsea to get up so that we can go eaaaaatttttttt. Nom.
Current Location: My room
Current Music: People on Old Campus commenting on how they're in great shape.
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